Medical PTSD? What's That?

What is Medical PTSD?

Everyone suffers from a degree of medical PTSD

You walk into a doctor's office, and it triggers sense memories. You sit down and hold out your arm for the nurse to take your blood pressure and the number comes back twice as high as it does when you take it at home. What caused that? The stress of the sense memories, or even possibly regular memories of being in a medical setting. That's medical PTSD.

Not everyone has the same degree of medical PTSD because not everyone has experienced the same degree of medical trauma. If your experience with doctors is having a central line placed with no sedation, you are going to have more severe medical PTSD than someone whose worst experience in the medical setting is getting a flu shot or a COVID test.

The worst form of medial PTSD is when the medical professionals accuse you of lying about your symptoms. That level of medical PTSD is hard to ever recover from.

In my latest post of Chronically Alive Version 2.0 "Medical PTSD" I discuss an example of a time my own personal medical PTSD was triggered. It was one out of a million times. To check out my post and comment to start a whole discussion, check out my post at:

I'd love to hear what you think.

Happy Reading,

Becca Pava

Hi! I'm Becca Pava, a freelance published author

I am terminally ill but determined to get my writing out into the world. I will: 1. Instill hope, validation & inspiration 2. Break down stigma 3. Raise awareness and compassion

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